The Abuja Summer Chess League Receives Nigeria’s Representatives to the All African Games


The Abuja Summer Chess League Abuja received the chess players representing Nigeria in the All African Games on the 17th of August 2019.  The All African games is ongoing at the moment in Morroco.

The Summer Chess League Abuja had an amazing time with them and even some of the players were able to have a feel of the Nigerian representatives over the board. It was indeed a wonderful visit.

We wish you success in the All African Games. Go Team Nigeria!

IM Adu Oladapo Green Cap playing National Arbiter Ojikutu Samuel while Perpetual Ogbiyoyo and Toritsemuwa Ofinowo watch keenly. Photo credit: Ajibade Olayemi (Olarov)
Fearless Abuja Chess player Abdul and FM Osufuyi Abimbola (Young GM) camped in another corner enjoying some blitz games. Photo Credit: Ajibade Olayemi (Olarov)

The Team: Left to right: WIM Ofinowo Toritsemuwa, IM Adu Oladapo, WFM Perpetual Ogbiyoyo, FM Osufuyi Abimbola Photo Credit: Ajibade Olayemi (Olarov)
Photo Credit: Ajibade Olayemi (Olarov)

Recap on Summer Chess League Abuja 2019

Click for an update on round 1

Click for an update on round 2-4

Click for an update on round 5


  1. It was so much fun on Saturday as the Abuja chess community was able to feel the pulse of the All African Games bound players .


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