Come let us dream


Come let us dream. What is the perfect tournament experience? A well lit, air cooled to just the right degree hall that is truly clean and noise free. Seats cushioned to comfort but not too relaxing to make one sleep. Shiny glass tables with silver legs. Seating arrangement comfortable for walking around.

This is just the hall and its seats. What of the provided chessboard and clocks?

The latest mahogany board with weighted pieces accompanied by easy touch

DGT clocks.

Should we continue dreaming or we wake up at this point? There are more experiences in this dream but for the sake of the realists lets wake up.

The reality is Chief Ephraim Ogungbe Memorial Chess Tournament organized by Chess Heights for the Ogungbe family. It is a dream comes true.

It has two categories Open and Ladies. The Open category has ten prizes. They are:

  1. N100000
  2. N60000
  • N40000
  • N25000
  • N15000
  • N8000
  • N7000
  • N6000
  • N5000
  • N4000

Ladies category has 5 prizes. They are

  1. N30000
  • N20000
  • N15000
  • N10000
  • N5000

These are great offers considering the entry fee is N3000 for men and N2000 for ladies.

There are however two restrictions.

  1. Only the first 80 to register will be allowed to participate.
  2. Deadline for payment ends Monday, August 26.

My advice is to register today and send your proof of payment to

Pay to Chessheights Ventures, Gtb, 0018941831.

Venue is Maxton Suites, 50 Ajose Street, Mende, Maryland, Lagos. Time 9:00am.

Come with your board and clock. For more details call Tolu on 08062328185.

Here is the flyer of the event:

Here are some scenes from past Chess Heights events.


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