Nigeria Online Chess Kids presents Blitz and Rapid Tournament for U12


Nigeria Online Chess Kids have been organizing Online U12 Chess tournament for kids since the Lockdown period and have about 50+ kids playing every Sunday in the event.

Nigeria Online Chess Kids presents Blitz and Rapid Tournament for U12. Here are the details of today’s Qualifying Tournament :
Top 15 players will earn themselves a chance to play for the prized closed event next Sunday. 
Time : 4pm, Time Control: Rapid 10 + 0

Follow the link (No password needed). 

See picture below for more details

Total of 20 kids will play a swiss format of 7rounds for the total prize of N15,000
For them to have a good tournament performance, they are advised to join 15 minutes before time.
In the coming weeks, an invitational Rapid Tournament for For U11 top kids in Africa will be held,  More details will be forwarded in due time. 

Organizer: NA Abidogun Peter


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