New Book Alert by Dr. Lyndon Bouah, Reflection on Chess in the rainbow Nation: My Journey, Part One

Reflection on chess in the Rainbow Nation: My Journey, Part One; Division and Unity by Dr. Bouah Lydon

Dear Family and Friends,

I am pleased to report that my second book entitled Reflection on chess in the Rainbow Nation: My Journey, Part One; Division and Unity will be launched in Qgeberha (Port Elizabeth) on Saturday 12 June 2021. The cost of the book is R270 (add R100 for courier fees).

The launch will take place at the South End Museum. Three time slots have been allocated. The time slots are:
10h00 – 11h00
12H00 – 13h30
15h00 – 16h00 as the venue takes 50 people at a time, it is important to book your seat early. Please register by sending an email to or sending a message on 071 363 1306.

We will also be promoting the book Sport Psychology for Children written by Dr Denise Bouah. June is youth month and thus the book will be offered at a special youth month rate of R399, a saving of R100! (add an extra R100 for courier fees if you are not collecting directly from Lyndon or Denise).

Dr. Lydon Bouah

So what is Reflection on Chess in the Rainbow nation, My Journey about?

I decided many years ago that it is an important part of our chess heritage to write about chess and I decided that I would take up that duty. This is my second volume of a series of reflections that I am publishing. I have decided to write about my journey in the world of chess. I will recall my chess development that started in Port Elizabeth at Bethelsdorp Senior Secondary School and continued in Cape Town and took me around South Africa and the world as a player, captain, coach and manager. I was part of the unity processes of
chess and I believe this contribution to our sport history will be an important part of our collective reflections as a sporting nation.

The Roman historian Titus Livius (59 BC-17 AD) said the following: “There are times, persons and events on which and whom only history will pass final judgment. All that remains for the individual to do is to report on what he has seen and heard.”

Dr Omar Esau from the Stellenbosch University reviewed the book and commented: “This book is a second volume by Dr Lyndon Bouah – Reflection on Chess in the Rainbow Nation – My Journey, Part One; Division and Unity, Volume 2. It gives the reader a good insight into the memories of Lyndon as he narrates his journey as a chess player. Although Lyndon’s book focuses on his chess journey, it has much wider resonance. He commences his story as a young novice chess player in 1983 and then within a decade,
in 1992 he represents South Africa on the highest stage as a Chess Olympiad player.

The book belongs to a genre of books by ordinary people who although faced with challenges under Apartheid against all odds went on to become a huge asset both as player and administrator in the SA chess fraternity. The book bears testimony that chess was organised in the townships of SA during Apartheid and that it was being played on a high level both in the Western Cape and the Eastern Cape where the author resided.

Methodologically, Reflection on Chess in the Rainbow Nation – My Journey, Part One; Division and Unity, Volume 2 contributes greatly to the field of the qualitative researcher, the ethnographer, and to the oral historian.

The book is an interesting read and gives a good insight into the life of Lyndon Bouah a learner from Bethelsdorp Senior Secondary School in Port Elizabeth who goes on to study his B. Iuris, LLB Degrees and later his PhD Degree at the University of the Western Cape. The stories highlight the different facets of Dr. Lyndon Bouah’s journey both as a scholar and as a chess player, coach and administrator.

Reflection on Chess in the Rainbow Nation – My Journey, Part One; Division and Unity, Volume 2 is beyond doubt a sincere and dedicated contribution by Dr. Lyndon Bouah to expound his love and appreciation to the history of Chess in South Africa. I trust anyone browsing through this book will enjoy Dr. Lyndon Bouah’s chess journey and that one will find it as stimulating, interesting, enlightening and thought provoking as I did. Dr. Lyndon Bouah in his book, continues to illuminate the importance of storytelling.

Telling his story of living through the latter stages of Apartheid and how he as a chess player had to navigate his way from a township chess school to a SA Olympiad player makes for an inspirational read.”

Omar Esau| PhD, MEd, BEd (Hons.), BA, Dip in Ed
Senior Lecturer, Department of Curriculum Studies, Stellenbosch University
FIDE Arbiter (FA)
Honorary Life President of South African Schools Chess

I look forward to seeing you at the launch. We will be streaming the 15h00 session. I will send the zoom and twitch link.
Dr. Lyndon Bouah
6 June 2021


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