Round 4: Adly, Rakotomaharo, Moaataz, Mwango, Leads 2021 African Individual Chess Championships Halfway

WIM Moaataz Ayah

Sole leaders of both Open and Women’s sections of the 2021 African Individual Chess Championships have been determined after round 4, In the Open’s Section, GM Adly Ahmed and IM Rakotomaharo Fy Antenaina leads with 4/4. In the Women Section, WIM Moaataz Ayah and WFM Mwango Lorita leads with 3.5/4.

GM Adly Ahmed—2615 peeped at the camera while IM Bwalya Gillian was in deep thoughts

GM Adly Ahmed revealed his understanding of the Catalan Opening in a battle that lasted 48 moves before IM Bwalya Gillian resigned.

Also, IM Rakotomaharo Fy Antenaina engaged FM Orgawu Chukwunonso in a Classical King’s Indian with early deviation with 6.h3. Rakotomaharo played a novelty on move 12.Bg5 which led to a double Knight sacrifice on c5 and e5 respectively.

African Number one, GM Bassem Amin got back to winning ways as he crushed Namibia’s IM Beukes Dante in the Classical French variation. IM Kawuma Patrick continued his impressive run, held GM Bellahcene Bilel to a draw after 57 moves. FM Mhango Banele‘s performance is been nothing but decent and admirable. Banele outmaneuvered IM Barrish Daniel in a minor pieces versus two rooks endgame.

In the Women Section, WIM Moataz Ayah and WFM Mwango Lorita agreed to a draw after 82 moves. Also, WGM Wafa Shahenda and WIM Nassr Lina draw was confirmed after 31 moves. On board three (3) WFM Ogbiyoyo Perpetual Eloho overpowered WIM February Jesse Nikki after 38 moves.

WIM Ogbiyoyo Perpetual Eloho—1880

Round 5 Pairings—Open

Round 5 Pairings—Women


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