Lipilin Ilia Wins the 3rd Edition of the World Junior Chess Championship for Disabled


The 3rd Edition of the World Junior Chess Championship for Players with Disabilities wraps up with Lipilin Ilia emerging as the winner. The event attracted media coverage from CNN and WGM Jennifer Shahade who took some time to analyze their games.

(L) FM Ilia Lipilin (RUS) wins first place (R) CM Samarth Jagadish Rao (IND) wins 2nd Place.

Players who made the top five are, FM Ilia Lipilin from Russia retained his title as World Junior Champion for Players with Disabilities, CM Samarth Jagadish Rao from India came in 2nd Place, Maksim Petrov also from Russia came in 3rd place, Pranav Shankar from USA came in 4th while Jarno Scheffner of Germany came in 5th place. 


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