Tabatabaei won the Biel Master 2019 tournament with 7.0/9. He earned his international master (IM) title in 2015 and was awarded his grandmaster (GM) title by FIDE in April 2018. Tabatabaei also competed in the Asian Chess Championship in December 2018 finishing second on 6½/9 (+4–0=5), and thus qualified for the Chess World Cup 2019. He is the No. 3 ranked Iranian player as of April 2019.
The Masters Open of the Biel festival heated up significantly after the rest day, as the lead changed hands consistently and finally Seyyed Mohammad Amin Tabatabaei of Iran put in that extra bit of push towards the final stretch to win the tournament. Mohammad Amin Tabatabaei scored 7.0/9, finishing a half-point ahead of a pack of ten players who finished with 6½/9. Tabatabaei did not have the perfect start as he lost his third-round game against GM Athanasios Mastrovasilis of Greece. Gata Kamsky of USA and Alexander Donchenko of Germany shared 2nd position as they had all their tie-break scores same.

Photo Credit: Simon Bohnenblust / Biel Chess Festival (