Happy 8th Year Anniversary to Dr. & Mrs. Ajayi


Love is to be celebrated every day but there are days like this that remind us of special things. We celebrate with the family of Dr. & Mrs. Ajayi on their 8th year wedding anniversary. Eves like this are celebrated for you to look back at the times that have gone by, how closer and fonder of each other you have become. It is a day to feel the gratitude of finding each other, a reminder to share a lifetime together and to keep the freshness of your love in your hearts forever.

Dr. Kehinde Ajayi is a medical doctor and his beautiful wife Oyetunde Fawole Ajayi is a Ph.D. candidate in Urban & Regional Planning from the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Osun State, Nigeria.

May your celebration of love turn out as beautiful as the both of you and may you have many more chapters to this love story. We wish you more blessings, continued health, good fortune and a lifetime of happiness on this important eve.

Yours is a love that is built to last. Happy Anniversary to our favorite couple at BruvsChess Media. Enjoy your wonderful journey together!


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