Cissé Amadou Lamine and Marochkina Nadezhda Valerevna are 2020 Senegal National Chess Champions

Cissé Amadou Lamine is crowned 2020 Senegal National Chess Champion

The first part of Senegal National Open Championship held in December 2020. The event was Open to Senegalese and Foreigners. The seven (7) round Open swiss system tournament had 44 participants and time control of 60 minutes. The event held at Cours Sainte Marie De Hann from December 4, 2020 to December 6, 2020. Top ten (10) Senegalese players in the Opens’ final ranking qualified to play in the Senegal Closed National Chess Championship.

Final ranking After Round 7

Top Ten Senegalese Qualifiers are:

RgInitial rowLast nameFEDEloClub / CityPts Dep. 1  Dep.2  Dep.3 
11Sy Mansour GbedoSEN20636.021.525.002472
22Marochkina NadezdaSEN19665.521.522.001858
39Diatta Kaunduma RobertSEN17875.022.020.251719
47Diop WaraSEN18215.022.020.001705
55Badji Sekou AransbeneSEN19055.022.019.501874
610CMWane Al HassaneSEN17635.021.518.251816
73Lesbros BernardSEN19495.020.520.001850
88Cisse Amadou LamineSEN18085.020.017.501814
912Fall Mouhamadou MourtadaSEN17025.019.016.001573
106Bodin-Hullin ThomasENG18415.018.016.501684
1123Ognalaga StephenSEN1484UCAD4.520.514.251659
1241Rabosaona HerisoloCIV04.519.016.251669
1317Dioum Mouhamadou FalilouSEN16004.023.516.501732

The Closed Championship which would have held in December of 2020 got stalled due to COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of COVID, the event was postponed many times until a final decision was reached for it to hold. The Nine round (9) Senegal closed National Chess Championship swiss event kicked off at Senegal National Arena, Pikine, Senegal, on June 11, 2021 through June 20, 2021. Time control: 90min/40 moves + 30min + 30s

At the end of nine fighting rounds, Cissé Amadou Lamine with the exceptional performance of 9/9 is crowned 2020 Senegal National Chess Champion. Cissé (who doubles as player and President of Senegal Chess Federation) was ahead of the pack with 1.5 points and had won the championship with a round to spare.

Cissé Amadou Lamine finished 1st with 9/9 and crowned 2020 Senegal National Chess Champion. Photo Credit: Federation Senegalaise des Echecs

In second place with 7.5/9 is Mansour Gbedo Sy who ranks Number on FIDE rating for Senegal. Mansour also was 1.5 points ahead of third and fourth place

Mansour Gbedo Sy finished 2nd with 7.5/9. Mansour is Senegalese Number 1 player on FIDE ranking. Photo credit: Federation Senegalaise des Echecs

Lesbros Bernard and Fall Mouhamadou Mourtada tied for third and fourth place with 5.5/9 respectively. Lesbros Bernard with the better tiebreak finished third.

Lesbros Bernard finished 3rd on tiebreak. He scored 5.5/9. Photo credit: Federation Senegalaise des Echecs
Fall Mouhamadou Mourtada—One of Senegalese rising star. Tiebreak did not favor him. He finished with 5.5/9 and ended up at 4th Place. Photo credit: Federation Senegalaise des Echecs

Marochkina Nadezhda Valerevna—the only lady participant in the tournament held her own among the men and proved herself to be a worthy opponent by scoring 50%. She finished the championship with 4.5/9 thereby crowned undisputed 2020 Senegalese Women National Chess Champion.

Marochkina Nadezhda Valerevna—the only female player in the championship. Crowned undisputed 2020 Senegalese Women National Chess Champion. Photo credit: Federation Senegalaise des Echecs

Final classification after 9 rounds

RgInitial rowLast nameFEDEloPts Dep. 1  Dep.2  Dep.3 notwwew-weKElo +/-
15Cisse Amadou LamineSEN09.036.0025801423988
27Mansour Gbedo SySEN21117.525.7521551212876.56.180.324012.8
310Lesbros BernardSEN19165.518.2519901232375.54.860.642012.8
49Fall Mouhamadou MourtadaSEN17005.516.7518931253974.52.791.714068.4
51Marochkina Nadezhda ValerevnaSEN16074.515.25185512632741.962.044081.6
63CMWane Al HassaneSEN17763.59.7516781246372.53.52-1.0240-40.8
78Badji Sekou AransbeneSEN17863.09.00162112453723.62-1.6240-64.8
86Dioum Mouhamadou FalilouSEN02.59.7516391423982.5
92Diop WaraSEN16502.06.50164012589722.34-0.3440-13.6
104Kaundum A. Robert DiattaSEN16932.04.50148312546712.73-1.7340-69.2

Also worthy to note; the 2020 Senegal National Chess Championship is the first ever National Championship to be FIDE rated in the history of Chess in Senegal.

Congratulations to Federation Senegalaise des Echecs (FESEC) for organizing a beautiful and colorful National Championship.

Many thanks to Federation Senegalaise des Echecs (FESEC) for all the pictures provided.


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