Abuja Number One Blitz Chess Showpiece: Yinalanah Humphrey Triumphs

Yinalanah Humphrey (middle) receiving his cash prize for 1st position; earning him the bragging as the real Abuja #1 Blitz Player. Photo Credit: Sola Peters

Pureheart Irikefe reports from Abuja, Nigeria

In Abuja, Nigeria, several chess players of varied strength have accorded themselves the title of Abuja Number One blitz chess player. The perversion of the “Abuja Number One” title preponderated the need to hold a tournament to ascertain the real “Abuja Number One” blitz champion.

The anonymous donors sponsored the tournament organized by Mr. Cole Michael Christopher at the Zalika Gardens, Abuja, Nigeria, on Saturday, 26th February 2022. The event consists of a general 6-rounds swiss format, followed by a tiebreak for players with the two highest points, who would then play a round-robin format in the finals. 

The time control was 5 minutes flat for all games. Furthermore, the tournament had four prizes of N20,000, N10,000, N6,000, and N4,000 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, respectively. 

The tournament featured several players, residents in Abuja, and her environs. As a locally organized tournament, players can register with their nicknames. 

Registered players are as follows:

  1. Babajaid (Babajide Tinubu) – Chief Arbiter;
  2. Cole M. C. (Cole Michael Christopher);
  3. gm Uche;
  4. Yinka Trump (Olayinka Takeet);
  5. Yins (Humphrey Yinalana);
  6. CM Jobito (CM Job Atabor);
  7. BB;
  8. Surjikal (Samuel Ojikutu);
  9. Umeh;
  10. Yemibad (Yemi Owowa);
  11. Jalo;
  12. Austaino;
  13. gm Femix (Femi Iyanda);
  14. Chuks Mba;
  15. Abdull (Abdulsalam Abubakar);
  16. Afamzzy (Nwizu Afamefuna);
  17. Sagewayyy;
  18. King Philip;
  19. Gabriel Will;
  20. Stanley;
  21. Anthony Ogor;
  22. Pureheart Loveday;
  23. gm Sammy;
  24. Ikechukwu Ezeanya;
  25. Isah Abubakar;
  26. Osas the ulak (Osas Usiohen);
  27. Solapeters;
  28. Felix Biyama;
  29. Mubarak Bello;
  30. DBB (Omewu Mewu);
  31. Efemena;
  32. Peter;
  33. Emmanuel John;
  34. Deji Bejide;
  35. Mahmood Dalhat;
  36. Moh (Mohammed AdbulKadr)
  37. Wale (Wale Olusoga)
Photo credit: Adegbie Adesoji-Black Bishop

The tournament favorites include gm Femix, Cole, CM Jobito, Yins, Wale, Surjikal, Afamzzy, etc. Many heartbreaks as several of the favorites lost to Fishes—weaker chess players. This brings to bear the famous saying that in chess, anything is possible,” as anybody can lose. Indeed, a champion is just one blunder away from losing to a fish in a game of chess. 

The top 10 standings are as follows:

1. Humphrey Yinalana 

2. Cole Micheal Christopher

3. Abdulsalam Abubakar

4. Osas Usiohen

5. Wale Olusoga

6. CM Job Atabor

7. Femi Iyanda

8. Pureheart Loveday

9. Felix Biyama

10. Samuel Ojikutu

In the end, the tournament was an overall success since all the players were happy. The event was like a carnival as several anonymous donors paid for food and drinks for all the players. 

Mr. Humphrey Yinalana a.k.a Yins now have the bragging right to be called the true Abuja Number One blitz champion. Also, arising from the tournament’s success, several anonymous sponsors averred that they would do their best to continue to sponsor such events every month for the rest of 2022.


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