Round one of the most important chess tournament on the continent of Africa—2021 Africa Individual Chess Championship started at 17:00 hrs. The shift in time from the initial start time—15:00 allowed players who arrived Lilongwe before the start of round 1 to settle in and meet up with their games.

The 2021 Africa Individual Chess Championships are being played at Peacock Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi, from May 17-28.
It was a smooth ride for all top rated players as Round one opened with no upsets in the Open section. All top rated players won their games.

In the Women section, all top rated players won their games except for board 12, where Malawi’s Shriyan Santosh Priyasha rated 1285 defeated Kenya’s WCM Ndirangu Joyce Nyaruai rated 1659. Also on board 15, Malawi’s Tadeyo Charity rated 1084 with the black pieces drew WCM Wanjiru Lucy—(1623).
Chess players, enthusiast and fans were waiting for live broadcast links for round one, but there were some technical issues that caused delay in transmission. Links were later provided by the organizers.
Click the Broadcast Link to follow the games in Open Section
Click the Broadcast Link to follow the games in Women Section
Round 1 on 2021/05/18 at 17.00

Round 1 on 2021/05/18 at 17:00
Round 2 starts tomorrow 19th May 2021 at 15:00. Zambian’s FM Prince Daniel Mulenga—(2246) will be at loggerhead with African #1 and Egyptian GM Baseem Amin—(2701) on board 1. African #2 and Egyptian GM Adly Ahmed—(2615) will faceoff against Nigeria’s FM Abdulrahman Abdulraheem Akintoye—(2264) while Algeria’s FM Talbi Chafik—(2244) will slug it out with fellow country man, African #3 and Algerian GM Bellahcene Bilel—(2508). Click to see Open Round 2 Pairing
The top three board pairings in the women section are listed below:
- Egyptian WGM Wafa Shahenda—(2145) to play 15 year old Botswana’s WFM Marape Naledi—(1717)
- Egyptian WIM Moaataz Ayah—(2028) to play Algeria’s WCM Nassr Manel—(1670)
- Senegalese Marochkina Nadezhda Valerevna—(1639) to play Algeria’s WIM Nassr Lina—(1960)
Click to see Women Round 2 Pairing
Relevant Link from Chessdom: African Individual Chess Championship 2021