- The sixth round was completed tonight and what a day. Action packed, pulsating chess all round and it is clear that the players are now into the event. So let us look at some interesting statistics relating to the event :
- There are 27 titled players in all the sections.
IM.- 1
FM- 9
WFM -4.
CM- 5.
- WIM Anzel Laubscher who is playing in the event was also part of the first Chessa Women’s Olympiad team in 1998.
- IM Watu Kobese who was chosen for the first Olympiad team in 1992 but didn’t play is also playing in this event. He made his debut in 1994.
- South Africa’s first ever world chess Champion Dr Shabier Bhawoodien is also competing after winning the World Amateur Chess Championship in 2003.

6. Two father and son teams are competing
Shabier and Mohammed Bhawoodien (
Shabier B section and Mo in the Open section)
Roland and Kenneth Willenberg (Senior and B section)

In the 2013 SA Closed the Bhawoodiens competed in the main section. Interestingly I think that was the first time a father and son played in the main SA Closed.
- A set of brothers are playing in the Senior section (Glenn and Roland Willenberg) two further sets of brothers are also playing – the De Jager brothers and the Govender boys. The other brothers are of course Kenny and Maxwell Solomon with Kenny playing in the Open and Maxwell playing in the Senior section.

- In the Senior Section ( over fifty) the following members are all members of Steinitz chess club, The defending champion Mark Lewis, Andrew Talmarkes, Glenn Willenberg and Roland Willenberg. ( Please put in the photo)
- The son ( Paul Gluckman) of a former winner ( David Gluckman) is playing in the Premier section (Paul Gluckman).

- The university sector is well represented in both the Women’s section and all the open sections. Roberto De Abreu, Matt Pon have just completed their participation in the Ussa event held in Makana, Eastern Cape. Matt win the University championships.

- Chessa has imposed a dress code on the event to maintain that sense of decorum that is so needed. I think it is needed because many of the male chess players will be arrested by the Fashion police because of well you know their dress sense! In 2017 a lively debate took place on one of the Whatsapp groups about whether crocks for males are acceptable. I shall leave that complex question to the readers!

Enjoy the day!
Dr lyndon Bouah