World Senior Team Chess Championship starts Tomorrow.


World Senior Team Championship starts Tomorrow the 5th – 15th of March 2020 at the Don Giovanni Hotel, Prague Czech Republic.

Below are the list of players participating:

Shabalov, Kaidanov, Jussupow, Graf, Giorgadze, Sturua, Speelman, Godena, David, Hracek, Ftacnik, Stohl and others in the category 50+. Balashov, Sveshnikov, Hort, Jansa, Vaisser, Nunn, Farago and other players in the category 65+.

According to the average ELO the strongest favourites are USA teams (average ELO 2536), German Lasker SF (2510) and Georgia (2500), then England (2459), Italy (2458) and the Czech Republic (2457) in “younger” tournament. In “older” category the clear favourite is Russian team (2452, last year’s winner). Among co-favourites we can find teams from Germany (2390), the Czech Republic (2373), France (2332), England (2328) and Israel (2320).

At the moment 120 teams from 32 countries are registered. The most numerous representation is from the Czech Republic (145 players in 31 teams), then from Germany (134 players in 29 teams). In total 45 GMs, 9 WGMs, 59 IMs and 10 WIMs participate in the championship. The tournament is not “open European championship”, because there are also participants from other countries – USA, Canada, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Mongolia, Republic of South Africa.

Preliminary starting lists:



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